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Ilinizas North (Any day minimum 2 tourists) $150

ILINIZAS NORTE (Cualquier día mínimo 2 turistas) Si nos preguntan cuál es la mejor montaña para aclimatación, sin duda decimos que son los…

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Rumiñahui Hike

RUMIÑAHUI HIKE Eye of stone as would be his translation from the Quechua language, it is an inactive volcano, named after a rocky…

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From $180.00 $150.00
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Corazon Volcano Enjoy tours 1 day

WALKING ACLIMATIZATION – CORAZON VOLCANO ENJOY TOURS 1 DAY Volcan Corazón has a height of 4790 meters above sea level and is an…

(0 Reviews)
From $150.00 $130.00
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Guagua Pichincha Volcano

WALKING ACLIMATIZATION – GUAGUA PICHINCHA VOLCANO The lovers of mountaineering each year find in the elevations of the equator the perfect place to…

(0 Reviews)
From $150.00 $130.00
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Imbabura Volcano Beautiful Adventure

WALKING ACLIMATIZATION – IMBABURA VOLCANO BEAUTIFUL ADVENTURE The Imbabura Volcano is a volcano located in the province of the same name in Ecuador,…

(0 Reviews)
From $150.00 $130.00
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Cerro Fuya Fuya The best Option 1 day

ACLIMATIZATION CERRO FUYA FUYA THE BEST OPTION 1 DAY The Fuya Fuya Acclimatization tour is ideal for mountaineering enthusiasts who find themselves every…

(0 Reviews)
From $150.00 $130.00