It is a Natural Laboratory, volcanic formation makes us understand the stages of formation of the earth and that plants adapt, develop and evolution, are part of the vast majority of the territory in National Park and Marine Reserve, unique landscapes, its beaches with white sand, the place can be visited throughout the year for its good weather, surfing in Tourga Bay, diving in Wolf, walking in lava tunnels, next to giant turtles, walking in the city with sea lions, iguanas that look like small dinosaurs, and much more you can do in the enchanted islands or Darwin’s islands.
Galapagos National Park Entrance: The entrance to the Galapagos National Park must be done when arriving to the islands in cash, they do not accept credit card payments.
Ingala Card: The card must be buy at the airport boarding can be in Quito or Guayaquil, is paid only once, and must be carried with me all the time on the islands and upon return.
Airport Bus – Itabaca Channel – It is a bus that connects the island of Baltra with the Itabaca Channel to cross to Santa Cruz Island, tickets are sold at the airport.
Taxi Boats: These are small boats that take you from the port to the boats for the different tours, they are usually used for daily tours.
Entrance to Isabela. The visit to Isabela Island has a cost that is paid in cash when visiting this island.