Archives 2017


Easter Ecuador – Semana Santa

Semana Santa (Easter)

This holiday is commemorated in several countries, mainly in Latin America a region that has 40% catalicos commemorating the passion of Christ. This celebration begins on Holy Thursday that is the last supper of Jesus Christ with the twelve apostles, the betrayal of Judas, his judgment before Sanhedrin and his death sentence.

Easter Ecuador


From the second century, after Christ, this holiday is organized as a commemoration of the sacred triduo, passion, burial and resurrection. The Domindo of Resurrection is the most important day of Holy Week, as it is the day of Easter, the Resurrection and the Christian life.

Holy Saturday was assigned as the day of fasting, it is the passage from death to life that is Easter. In the 4th century the Holy Friday is implemented to celebrate the worship of the holy cross. The celebration of Jesus’ supper with its twelve apostles appears in the 5th century and is established on Holy Thursday.

Easter Ecuador

The most spectacular during this holiday in the country is the procession of Jesus in Quito, about 250 thousand people gather in streets to observe and witness this magnificent parade, another of the places where Guayaquil is commemorated with the procession of Christ of Consuelo and in Basin feast that begins on weeks Sunday, then visit the seven churches and follow the procession of Christ’s passion.

Perhaps the most impressive celebration in Quito is the Procession of Jesus of the Great Power, which takes place on Good Friday. Here, thousands of penitents begin the procession from the omenous wooden gates of the Church of San Francisco, located in the heart of the Historic Center.


The participants are men (although there are also women), known as cones and who stand out for their color among the crowd. They are penitents and part of sororities whose history goes back centuries.

They wear long purple robes with long, conical hoods, and just three small holes for their eyes and mouth. On the other hand, the Veronicas are made up of brotherhoods among women. They are also decorated in purple, but instead of hoods they wear lace veils and represent the women who came to Jesus while wearing the cross.

Typical Easter Dish – Fanesca

Easter in Ecuador is lived unofficially several weeks before its start. For example, in terms of typical dishes, restaurants are starting to offer in their special menu the famous and delicious «Fanesca».


It is a rich and traditional soup composed of twelve different grains, each representing one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.In addition, the Fanesca is prepared, according to the region, with a kind of pumpkin, cod, hard-boiled eggs, pieces of green banana, fried bread, cheese and peanuts. This is the traditional Easter dish and is a tradition that brings together entire families in the preparation and tasting of this delicious dish.

In fact, Easter in Ecuador began to live unofficially weeks before it began. Restaurants began offering on their special menu, «Fanesca». Instead of chocolate eggs and bunnies, a rich traditional soup is served, made of twelve different grains, each representing one of Jesus’ twelve disciples.

To truly experience the culture and diversification of Easter in Ecuador, come on vacation, and enjoy the wonderful hospitality of your people. Enjoy and be part of these traditions, live one of the many celebrations that make this country unique and wonderful.


notimérica. (20 de septiembre de 2017). notimérica. Obtenido de notimérica:
abc. (21 de marzo de 2018). ABC. Obtenido de ABC:,La%20historia%20de%20la%20Semana%20Santa,una%20gran%20multitud%20de%20gente.



Fauna que embellece la reserva del Cuyabeno

El paraíso de la selva


La selva virgen de Cuyabeno que embellece al oriente del Ecuador, selva hermana del Yasuní. Es una reserva natural de producción de fauna mismo que abarca una gran cantidad de especies únicas. ¿Cómo llegar a este paraíso? desde cualquier zona del país se debe dirigir hacia Lago Agrio y recorrer un tramo en lancha por el río Aguarico.

En esta zona hay varias zonas de biodiversidad cultural, fauna y flora. Las comunidades a las que se tiene acceso es una de las más antiguas de nuestro territorio comunidades en las que se puede aprender de su cultura, compartir tiempo con ellos y hasta memorizar una que otra palabra indígena. Entre las comunidades que se encuentran en esta zona son:

  • Siona,

  • Secoya,

  • Cofán,

  • Kichwa y

  • Shuar.



Mono, captado en los alrededores del lodge.

Una de las especies más reconocidas en Cuyabeno y por la que muchos turistas le apuestan a este lugar son los delfines rosados, delfines que viven en el río Cuyabeno Dolphin Lodge es uno de los lodge que cuenta con sus cabañas a la orilla de este río para poder apreciar a los delfines en su mejor esplendor.

Así mismo se puede encontrar una infinidad de especies como: monos, serpientes, sapos, aves, mismos que tienen gran característica porque así mismo se cuenta con animales nocturnos, que son un gran atractivo de esta reserva. El armadillo gigante también es otro de los iconos principales de esta zona, mismo que en la actualidad se encuentra en peligro de extinción.



Lodge en Cuyabeno, amazonía de Ecuador

Con respecto a la flora se cuenta con gran variedad de plantas flores y hortalizas que son de gran importancia para esta zona, misma que se relaciona con el clima tropical húmedo de la selva mismo. Los arboles que viven en Cuyabeno son suprer atraídos por los comerciantes de madera, entre los arboles más importantes están: guayacán, laurel, pambil, ceibo, cedro entre otros.

Visitar este lugar va a ser una de las experiencias más refrescantes como ser humano, puesto que como no existe señal de Internet, te encontrarás totalmente aislado del mundo para poderte relajar, meditar y disfrutar de aire puro, del aire que la selva, nos provee. Disfrutar y conocer personas de todo el mundo que compartan esta apasiona por perderse unos días del mundo será uno de los enfoque que tenemos como lodge.

Disfrutar de alimentos locales, de sabores únicos es otro referente importante para que sea más única tu experiencia en el lodge: Cuyabeno Dolphin Lodge.

Otra de las actividades que se puede realizar en esta hermosa reserva natural es nadar en una de las lagunas más importantes de la zona donde se podra observar uno de los atardeceres más bellos del mundo entero, recuerda que para visitar esta zona tambien debes ir equipado y sabiendo algunas restricciones que se tiene para poder conservar de mejor forma este paraíso natural.

Uno de los tips que te damos a continuación son de gran ayuda para preservar este lugar.


  • Recuerda agendar con Cuyabeno Dolphin Lodge.

  • Consulta sobre las botas de caucho pues serán tus zapatos más utilizados para poder realizar las excursiones.

  • Ten a la mano tu cámara en todo momento, nunca sabrás cual es el momento indicado para fotografiar a las mejores especies de la zona.

  • Recuerda comentarle a tu guía cualquier inquietud y no te preocupes por el idioma, nuestros guías tienen conocimiento en los idiomas Ingles y Español.

  • No olvides llevar blusas y camisetas manga larga, y shorts, ni tu bikini o pantalonera pues podrás broncearte en nuestro lodge.

  • Podremos recargar nuestras baterías de cámaras y celulares por la tarde, contamos con paneles solares.





Inti Raymi – Ecuador Otavalo

Feast of thanks to the Sun and Mother Earth (Pachamama)

The Inti Raymi is one of all the festivities that are in force and has managed to survive to this day, the feast of the indigenous peoples of the South American Andes. As it is an Inca tradition this celebration remains a rite in Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia.

Formerly the Inti Raymi lasted 15 days that had dances, worship of ancestors, rituals and sacrifices to worship the Sun God, it is known that the last celebration in the presence of an Inca emperor was given in 1535. As recounted by the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (1539-1616), the Inti Raymi meant that the sun god was reborn to start a new annual cycle.

It is said that the preparation of the celebration was strict, three days before the feast only ate a little white corn, raw, yerbas chúcam and pure water, in addition that no fire is lit throughout the city and refrained from sleeping with the women. At sunrise the Inca king and his relatives waited in the square in squats with open arms, the nobles did not mingle with the lower class, the subdued leaders delivered offerings of their lands, among the festin is the meat of cattle and a lot of chicha.

The outfits they wore were colorful, with plumage, the warrior costumes covered in gold, silver, turquoise and emeralds stand out. During the celebration the sovereign was seated on his golden throne carried by his loaders, wearing a kind of dress with a sash on his waist of various colors, also had a large red robe with beautiful embroidery and on his head a gold helmet.

He was accompanied by a entourage of important officials such as indigenous women with embroidered skirts and multicolored blouses, wearing branches of cedroncillo, with which they are deterring evil spirits. Others spill yellow flowers, while others load wicker baskets with offerings, including fruits, flowers and gold amulets. It should be noted that in that celebration all were barefoot. The soldiers of the Inca used their shields in one hand and in the other they had a star made of wood, and they also wore a helmet.

The holiday assesses whether the maize harvest was good, appreciated and if it was bad, begging for the coming year to compensate them with good production. In addition, the  Power or Energy was held, and then begin a planning of the unfulfilled activities to start others such as: educational, organizational, social, political and economic; complying with the norms and principles of Man and the cosmic power of the Pachamama.

On the occasion of the festivity of the Inti Raymi, in the city of Quito and in other cities were held round tables, where cultural activists, intellectuals and the academic world discussed the importance of this Andean and Inca festival in honor of the Inti, the Sun God.

The Chacana or Andean Cross

First white grains are placed, representing the air, then the red grains that symbolize the fire, the yellows that are the earth and the blacks are water. Once they managed to make the cross, a perfect four-pointed figure, they began to decorate the interior. At the north tip they put cups full of water and jugs with rose water because it is the door of water itself.

«Water symbolizes fertility, life.» To the south is the air gate, where the tobacco is placed because while they smoke them and release the air, they connect with their ancestors. In addition, a cane with the eagle and the falcon representing the northern and southern peoples, respectively.

The east door corresponds to the sun, to the fire. A few lit incenses placed in that sector while in the west gate is placed fruits and vegetables to represent the land or the Pachamama and the fruits it provides.

Main activities

  • June 24: Kallpashun, Puruhá Road. This race with routes of seven and 15 kilometers, summons the indigenous and mixed-race athletes from all over the province and consists of running through the moors of Cacha, just as the messengers of antiquity did.

  • June 24: Inti Raymi Ceremony. The celebration will be held at the Pucara Tambo viewpoint at 10:00. The yachaks will perform a ceremony of thanks to the sun for the energy, traditional food and indigenous dances.

  • June 28: The Shaythes of St. Peter and St. Paul. The Catholic festivities of the patron saint of Riobamba, San Pedro, coincide with the celebration of the Inti Raymi. Traditional dances and artists will participate in a cultural show, where there will also be shaizas.

The inti Raymi is commemorated in several provinces of Ecuador where there is a joint knowledge but various acts are held to commemorate the Sun God and the Pachamama, among the main provinces can be known:

Inti Raymi in Cañar

In the province of Cañar, this celebration takes on special significance since the chosen scenario for the ritual is the Zhinzhuna hill, in the Ingapirca parish, where the archaeological ruins of Ingapirca are located. The perfect setting for the Inti Raymi is Ingapirca, The Inti Raymi Ingapirca is a beautiful celebration has a lot of enhancement. With the establishment of the Spanish colony, the festival was camouflaged in Catholic celebrations such as Corpus Christi or San Juan, which produced a syncretism between the two traditions.

Inti Raymi in Pichincha
In Cayambe

In this canton the festivities in honor of the sun combine with the mixed and religious tradition in honor of St. Peter. The festival contains traditional activities of the Kayambi people such as the Taking of the Square, Comparsas Parades with warmis and dancers, recitation of coplas and choice of the Ustas.

• June 21: Ceremony in Honor of the Sun.
• June 29: Symbolic Take of the Plaza and the Sacred Site of Puntiatzil.


Inti Raymi in Otavalo

This festival has a very important meaning for the Andean world, as well as religious celebrations for the Western world. It is considered the largest festival in the Andes, which has a prominent role in the culture of indigenous peoples. This is largely due to the fact that it is time for the ripening of the fruit of the Pachamama, so there is a massive participation of the community in the crops they have seen throughout the region.

Armay Chishi – Ritual Bath

This ritual takes place on June 22, the day of the summer sunset. Waterfalls, rivers and springs have special places where energy is concentrated during the year and the ritual bath tries to register them to load new forces, eliminate the negative energies accumulated during the year, and thus begin with Celebration of Inti Raymi.
The bathroom has a clear sense of cleanliness and is associated with the rural concepts of the party.

The Songs and Dances

For the night, every day of the party, the atmosphere is filled with music and streets, and the chaquiñanes can see companies with which you can see pingullos, flutes and harmonics, and most groups have instruments such as guitar and violins. Very few teams include aroundr and, on the other hand, you can see some modern influence with the use of the melodic.

The Roosters Branch

This is one of the most interesting traditions of the Inti Raymi ceremony. Its origins take us to the era of the colony, where the uyanza or the celebration of joy after the harvest took place on the farms. Over time, this tradition has been lost and, remembering it, this ritual was repeated with a change in its shape: the turtle industry.

Undoubtedly an important festival for the Andean peoples that commemorates a feast for the crops and that must be maintained so as not to lose the roots of us linking us with the ancestors. Same you’ll be able to meet and even become part of our Otavalo tour.


Marín, I. (14 de mayo de 2018). Cultura científica. Obtenido de UTPL:
Comercio, E. (19 de junio de 2017). Así se celebra el Inti Raymi en las provincias de la Sierra . El Comercio – Actualidad.



Cotopaxi volcano – Tourist destination of the Ecuadorian Andes

Tourist destination of the Ecuadorian Andes


Cotopaxi Tour, Photo Patricio Guaras; 2019

The Cotopaxi is located within the Cotopaxi National Park, which was created in 1975 and has an area of 33,393 hectares.

The National Nark has the majority visit in the continental area of the equator, for the large natural spectacle offered by the colossus and its surroundings.

The Cotopaxi volcano has 5,897 meters above sea level, «19,347 feet» and is considered or not of the highest active volcano in the world, such that national and foreign tourists want to reach the top of the emblematic volcano at the equator. In addition, the Cotopaxi Volcano records its last pre-eruptive activity that began in 2015, in that year the volcano expelled gases and great amount of volcanic ash, for this natural phenomenon the Cotopaxi National Park was closed until 2016, after the volcano had a moderate activity, the Ecuadorian government decided to open the doors to whole visitors who wish to know and admire this beautiful natural treasure.


Activities within Cotopaxi National Park



Cotopaxi Tour, Photo Patricio Guaras; 2019

The Cotopaxi National Park is considered one of the favorite sites by tourists for practice some activities such as:

Climbing Mountain: You can perform this sport and try to get the summit of the volcano and you only need two days.

Mountain bike: Very easy to do, cause there are some trails and enjoy a spectacular view of valleys covered by a great variety in flora and fauna, surely will be good memories among your family or friends.

Horseback riding, Camping

Inside of The National Park, we can find the beautiful valley Limpiopungo so extensive that you can do horseback riding, camping, bird watching and we will see volcanoes around of it.


We can find how:

  • The Limpipungo Lagoon, is located at 3,800 m.s.n.m (12,769. feet) and covers 200 hectares, in which we can observe different types of birds,
  • Rumiñahui Volcano has a height of 4,721 m.s.n.m (15,489 feet), very ideal for the practice of half a mountain and acclimatization to achieve higher peaks such as Cotopaxi volcano.

Tour Cotopaxi, Photo Patricio Guaras; 2019



From Quito is 1 hour and 30 minutes to access by the Caspi control or «enter south» of the Cotopaxi National Park




The whole year.


From 8.30 am to 15:00 pm


The Cotopaxi National Park is one of the places you should visit here we can find  great variety of flora, fauna, volcanoes, valleys, rivers, among others, it is definitely a treasure worth knowing and passing unforgettable moments in this natural landscape.









Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


In 2000 we adopted the dollar, in the biggest cities we have places of currency exchange, in tourist centers, hotels, travel agencies, tour operators, big restaurants, you can pay with bills $50 or $100, in other points it is very difficult that you can pay with big bills of recommendation to use $1, $5, $10 or $20.


Ecuador has no defined seasons, its climate depends on the region, The Galapagos and Amazon coast region has tropical characteristics, subtropical temperate wet and dry ranges from 16 ° C to 34 ° C

The Andes have similar temperatures to spring almost all year round, but there are temperatures that drop to 3°C at night and reach 26°C during the day.

The cold Humboldt current also has an influence, causing a decrease in the temperature between the months of May and October, while the warm current or equatorial current between December and April is called Niño because it is in the Christmas season. Due to these currents the air masses make the rainy season in the highlands have two pluviometric peaks, the first one in September and the second one in March, separated by the Niño phenomenon and in the area of the peninsula it has a semi-arid climate due to the cold Humboldt current.


The main religion is Catholics and all religions are also practiced.


No vaccination is required but it is recommended, vaccines for INFLUENZA, HEPATITIS A and B, YELLOW FEVER, RABIES, TYPHOID.


Passport valid and in force 6 months

ID card

Some countries require a visa. Check here


Ecuador is fixed by the regionalism, for having different regions, we are multiethnic and plurinational, the majority of people are mestizos, the most spoken language is Spanish, but we have other languages as Quechua and Shuar, elders of the Amazon speak Paicoca. Depending on the region is our clothing, language, physical appearance, most of our festivals are a mixture of religion and indigenous tradition. This mixture is by The Spanish conquest; where religion was imposed and combined with the Inca tradition. The Inca gods were the sun and moon, how gratitude for harvest we have many festivities that today it is still celebrated and some of them are named intangible cultural heritage.

Some important festivities.

  • Inty Raymi (Andes region.)

  • Mama Negra

  • Chonta of the Amazon (Amazon basin.)

  • Rodeo Montubio (Coast region.)

  • Carnivals of Guaranda (Indigene parade, Guaranda)

  • The Festivals of the Flowers and Fruits, (Colorful parade, Ambato.)

  • Diablada Pillareña (People dance with devil mask).


You can hear many things about traveling in Ecuador, we know that there are dangerous places like anywhere in the world. Ecuador does not have armed guerrilla groups, we do not have war in process. We have not had any attacks, the percentage of robberies to tourists is minimal, but we suggest some points to avoid bad times:

  • When you walk at night, do it in places with street lights and a lot of people, better take a taxi.
  • When you take a taxi that is not from a platform such as uber, cabify etc, take into account that it has the tomato plate and the authorization numbers on the doors.
  • Do not accept food and drinks from strangers.
  • Leave your credit cards at the hotel and only take out an approximate of what you are going to spend that day, if you are not going to make big purchases.
  • Leave your passport or visa at the hotel and only take a color copy with you.
  • When you are traveling on a public bus, carry your belongings on the front of your chest or in a visible place.
  • Cameras and kangaroos in the front.
  • If you see anything strange, approach a group of people or police if necessary.




General Information about Ecuador

Información general de Ecuador.



Ubicado en el sur de América, exactamente en la región suroeste, limita con Colombia al norte, Perú al este y sur, al oeste con el  Océano Pacífico , a 906 km (563 millas) del Archipiélago de Colón o Galápagos Islas, una de nuestras 24 provincias, se encuentra en los hemisferios norte y sur y está dividida por la línea del ecuador, por lo tanto, el nombre de nuestro país.

Somos uno de los países con mayor diversidad por kilómetro cuadrado, debido a sus características geográficas y su situación privilegiada en el mundo, con una de las mayores concentraciones de biodiversidad y la primera en tener los derechos garantizados por la constitución en La protección de la flora y la fauna. Se le llama el país de los cuatro mundos porque es un país pequeño con solo 283,560 km² y 17,023. 000 personas distribuidas en 4
regiones completamente diferentes , los Andes (tierras altas) lo cruzan de norte a sur con muchos volcanes y montañas cubiertas de nieve con gran relevancia ya que el Cotopaxi con sus 5897 m (19.347. 11 pies) es el volcán activo más alto en el mundo y uno de los favoritos para las personas a las que les gusta el montañismo. Nuestro punto más alto y más cercano al sol medido desde el centro de la tierra es el majestuoso Chimborazo con sus 6310 m (20.702.1 pies).

El Amazonas (cuenca amazónica o selva tropical) con bosques primarios y secundarios con pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas todavía algunos aislados, el bosque tropical es el bosque tropical más grande del mundo, con ríos y sistemas de lagos que desembocan en el gran río Amazonas, alrededor de los 50 % El Territorio Nacional es la región amazónica , gran parte de la biodiversidad de Ecuador se concentra aquí. Tenemos dos áreas protegidas importantes; La Reserva de Vida Silvestre Cuyabeno y el Parque Nacional Yasuní en la selva primaria, la selva secundaria secundaria, tenemos áreas privadas de conservación en Tena y Puyo.

La región de la costa (tierras bajas occidentales) con sus hermosas mujeres y playas con diferentes colores de la arena en función de la coral que predomina es la mejor manera de disfrutar de los mejores playas en la costa del Ecuador es la ruta del Spondylus o Ruta del Sol , que será capaz de Conocemos diferentes elementos que forman parte de la cultura y tradición de la gente costera ecuatoriana, entre las mejores playas tenemos Montañita, Salinas, Manta, Puerto López, Esmeraldas, Atacames, Sua, y mucho más. Esta ruta
cruza la costa ecuatoriana, su gastronomía del mar con un toque especial de la gente costera, ceviche, encebollado y bolón acompañado de camarones al ajillo, imagínelo y pruébelo.

Nuestro último mundo y un sueño para todos es la región insular del Archipiélago de Colón o las Islas Galápagos, conocido como un laboratorio de biodiversidad donde Charles Darwin escribió El origen de las especies , un grupo de islas que forman el Parque Nacional Galápagos y la Reserva Marina de Galápagos , donde puedes caminar con leones marinos, iguanas, piqueros de patas azules, piqueros de patas rojas, tortugas, bucear, bucear y nadar con tiburones, mantarrayas  y tortugas.

Cada año sucede algo extraordinario frente a nuestras costas, las ballenas jorobadas se aparean, ¿por qué hacen esto? salen de las aguas frías de la Antártida y viajan hacia el norte en busca de aguas cálidas donde sus bebés pueden desarrollarse y luego sobrevivir al frío, esto sucede en las costas ecuatorianas, la corriente de Humboldt, es fría, se origina en el extremo sur de Chile y fluye hacia el norte hacia Perú y al oeste a lo largo del Ecuador, tiene una influencia refrescante impactante en las climas de Ecuador y Perú. La temperatura oscila entre 21 ° o 70 ° F, la corriente ascendente trae nutrientes a la superficie, lo que respalda la productividad biológica del fitoplancton.


Quito es la capital de Ecuador, ubicada a 2800 msnm (9.186.352 pies), construida en las laderas del volcán Pichincha y ubicada en una ciudad inca, una de las colonias muy conservadas del centro histórico, iglesias que datan de los siglos XVI y XVII, estructuras con mezclas europeas, árabes e indígenas, si miras desde el aire es más como un tablero de ajedrez con calles de piedra y gente muy amable que todavía se enamora desde un balcón.


Por tener 4 regiones tenemos una variedad de deliciosos platos, por ser descendientes de los incas, la mayoría de los platos se basan en productos del campo que todavía los productores como maíz, trigo, cebada, papas y yuca, plátano verde en la costa, Los platos principales típicos de cada región son: en la Amazonía, su plato principal es el pescado Maito (cachama o carachama) cocido en una hoja de plátano o bijao y yuca cocida a la leña (corteza de los árboles).

 En los Andes, su plato típico es la proteína de cuy (CUY) cocinada en carbón o al horno con papas y una ensalada hecha con maní. La gente en las tierras altas tiene los conejillos de indias debajo de sus camas y preparan este delicioso plato solo durante festividades muy importantes. Hasta que los conejillos de indias alcancen el peso de estar preparados son sus mascotas, sí, como lo lees. Este plato ha sido un favorito durante siglos y cuando nos visitan no olviden preguntar por su conejillo de indias.

La costa y la isla de Galápagos nuestro plato favorito es el ceviche, hecho con pescado, camarones, pulpo, concha en jugo de limón o naranja acompañado de patacones o chifles (plátano verde con toboganes fritos en aceite), bolón de verde (plátano verde ), bolas con dentro de queso con un huevo frito, acompañado de café, otro plato delicioso es la langosta (Langosta) puedes probarlo en una sopa o acompañado con arroz y patacones.



Ecuador tiene 56 áreas protegidas que corresponden al 20% del territorio nacional, áreas de alto grado de conservación donde un pequeño porcentaje está abierto para visitas turísticas. En Ecuador, puedes hacer trekking, caminata, escalada de montaña, visitas guiadas, buceo, rafting, barranquismo, parapente, ciclismo, snorkeling, cabalgatas, paseos en lancha, kayak, etc.

En la cuenca del Amazonas tenemos 2 tipos de bosques primarios (áreas vírgenes poco exploradas, mucha flora y fauna en un estado natural con pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas en aislamiento), puntos altos: Parque Nacional Yasuní y Reserva de Vida Silvestre Cuyabeno, el bosque secundario , lugares más cerca de las ciudades con la conservación de flora y fauna, Tena, Puyo y reservas privadas. El Amazonas todavía alberga grupos indígenas, incluidas las tribus Huaorani, Cofan, Shuar, Achuar, Siona y Secoyas, a pesar de todo, han preservado sus territorios y conservado sus estilos de vida tradicionales únicos.

La avenida de los volcanes Sierra o Andes, hogar de pueblos indígenas, ciudades modernas y centros históricos coloniales como Quito, Cuenca y Riobamba alrededor de los volcanes activos. La avenida ecuatoriana de volcanes con 27 activos y 57 inactivos, donde puedes practicar trekking hasta 5200m (17.060.37ft) en Imbabura, Fuya Fuya, Guagua Pichincha, Pasochoa, Ilinizas, Corazón, Tungurahua, Sangay, Carihuarirazo y escaladas desafiantes hasta 6310m. (20.702.1ft) en Cayambe, Cotopaxi, Antizana, Chimborazo, pueblos con alto interés cultural, tradicional, turístico, gastronómico.  Otavalo con el mercado indio más grande de América del Sur, las aguas termales de Papallacta a 3200 m (10.498.69 pies), el bosque nuboso de Mindo, donde se pueden ver muchos pájaros, mariposas, practican deportes extremos y hacen chocolate artesanal, la laguna de Quilotoa es específicamente una de las lagunas de origen volcánico más bellas del mundo, 250 m de profundidad, aproximadamente 9 km de diámetro y 3914 m (12.841.21 pies) de altura, sus aguas turquesas y verdes tiene la apariencia de la isla caribeña,  Baños es la «puerta de las aguas termales del Amazonas», deportes de aventura y noches divertidas, Nariz de diablo (Devis Nose) el tren utiliza un segmento del ferrocarril transandino que va de Alausi a Sibambe con Las mayores hazañas de ingeniería del mundo mientras se maravilla con el espectacular paisaje andino, Cuenca es la tercera ciudad más grande, descubre todo el encanto y la riqueza cultural, su belleza arquitectónica, Chordelec, la ciudad del oro, y la ciudad de Vilcabamba, donde no envejeces.

En la región costera, la ruta Spondylus o la Ruta del Sol, puedes conocer diferentes elementos que forman parte de la cultura y la tradición de los costeros ecuatorianos, entre las mejores playas tenemos Montañita, Salinas, Manta, Puerto López, Esmeraldas, Atacames, Sua , y mucho más. Esta ruta atraviesa la costa ecuatoriana, Guayaquil es la ciudad comercial más grande y el puerto principal, El oro es la capital del banano para el principal producto de exportación es el banano.

Archipiélago de Galápagos, con 13 islas grandes, 9 islas medianas y 107 islotes, la segunda reserva marina más grande del planeta fue declarada por la UNESCO en 1978, primer lugar de visitas en Ecuador, conocido por sus especies endémicas que llegaron a Charles Darwin para establecer La teoría de la evolución, esnórquel o buceo con tiburones martillo, leones marinos, tortugas de Galápagos, en el ecosistema submarino único alrededor de la isla.